

Our work environment encompasses housekeeping, hygiene, safety, security, compensation, benefit, sanitation and Eco-friendly standards. The safety of our employees are very important for us, because we think that the employees are a large part of our company and makes us who we are

  • We promote freedom of association, safe working conditions and regular employment in our factory.
  • We follow the legally approved grading wage structure by the government for the employees. We present bonus and encashment of earned leave.
  • Fair wages are essential for meeting the basic needs of workers. We are committed to pay all payments regularly in time. We have reasonable working hours.
  • No child labor, discriminatory or harmful treatment.
  • We follow the BEPZA instruction, Bangladesh Labor Law, ILO Conventions, the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN’s conventions on children’s rights and the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises and other relevant internationally recognized agreements.
  • Adequate ventilation, lighting, toilets, personal protective equipment, fire fighting and safety equipment.
  • Protective gloves, aprons and masks are given to workers working with risks, washing chemicals, yarn fluffs, auxiliaries etc. A sufficient amount of safety equipment such as gloves, helmets, gas masks and gumboots needed for emergency purposes are always available.
  • We offer on campus medical facilities for our staff, having medical nurses from the best colleges in Bangladesh and one MBBS doctor for each factory.

We also have child care facilities, facilities for pregnant women and disabled staff.

  • All our buildings are fitted with a central particularly addressable fire/smoke detection system, heat detector addresses, fire alarms, the best fire extinguishers, fire exits, CCTV, PA system etc.
  • The security premises of the factory are based on a set of recommendations of the Customs-Trade partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT).
  • Fire drills conducted in all facilities.
  • Fire training and natural disaster training.
  • Top quality cabling and accessories.